Friday, 17 March 2017

What Are Silicon Nanoparticles? And Details of Its Uses

Silicon Nanoparticles
Silicon Nanoparticles | Image Resource :

Silicon Nanoparticles is the spherical shaped particle that has high surface area, and their overall size tends to stay between five to twenty-five nanometers. However, on the normal scale, the size stays between eighty to hundred nanometers with a specific surface area staying between 5 to 10 m2/g. Since last decade, silicon nanoparticles are getting attention in the industry due to its varied type of property that has found much application in various industries.

What is Silicon Nanoparticles?

Their active surface, biocompatibility, and idiosyncratic photoluminescence ability have given them huge focus in research as well as electronic industries.

Nanoparticles of silicon posses many quality and they have highly purity percentage as well as efficient particle size distribution. Some scientist has even come up with a research where they have shown that the silicon nanoparticles can easily replace all type of posh semiconductors. This element has high active surfactant which is due to its lower bulk density and massive specific surface area. Another interesting property of this element is that it is odorless and non-toxic and it currently serves as a raw material for an optoelectronic semiconductor.

The List of Uses of Silicon Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are currently in high demand in various industries due to their unique properties, and silicon nanoparticles also fall in that demand that. Following points will denote some uses of silicon nanoparticles:

Silicon nanoparticles are nowadays used as a raw material for production silicon polymer as it easily reacts with organic matter.

It also used for treatment process of the metal surface.

In some industries, it is used as a cathode for improving the capacity of lithium ion batteries.

In semiconductor microelectronics, it is used as a packaging element.

It takes part in the production process of polysilicon.

These are the most common application of silicon nanoparticles.

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